Miyerkules, Oktubre 19, 2016



Love is a variety of different feeling, states and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection "I love my mother" to pleasure " I loved that meal. It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment.

 Love comes from old English lufu of Germanic origin from one Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit Lubhyat, desires in Latin like which means it is pleasing libido or desire also by leave and lief.



Beauty, is said to be in the eyes of the beholder. Or at least that's what many of us were told as children. In the first place does beauty exist in reality? For example there are some places on this earth that are breathtaking to be in mountains, desserts, ocean, etc. And wen we are in these places, we have an overwhelming sense that we are confronted by beauty, but it is natural. That these sites are supposed to be beautiful.

Everyday, I feel guilty of saying unkind things about people's appearances. But when I think about people say we are all beautiful because we are all made in the image and likeness of God, then they can't be ugly. But at the end what really is important that we have beauty inside then outside. Or either we could have birth and that is such a blessing.

Family Relationship

Family Relationship

A family is compose of a father, mother and their children. A family is a great companion in life. They are our first teachers and they are the most important people in life. It is normal that a family will face problems, hardships, failures and etc but in the end the only thing that matters is that we didn't give up and bravely face our problems in life.

Most of the families nowadays are too busy of their own life that they forgot to be with their family and do a family bonding. They need to have a strong bond together. And they should not have trust issues. And they should all gather especially during meal time and they should talk. And most important they should love one another and put God as their inspiration.

Needs and Wants

Needs and Wants

Is need and want confusing still? Need this is something you have in order to survive. Without this you can't make it. It is used daily and all of us should have. Need can be something objective and physical. Like water, shelter and clothing. 

When we talk about "want" this means something you desired. It is said that every person has unlimited wants. Want is something that you like to have that is not so very important. We can also tell that it is also not a priority. People cannot have everything they want and must look for the most affordable alternative.



Did you ever experience love? Have you fallen to someone? Did someone had love you? Being in love is so beautiful. Its more wonderful if you both know that you two are perfect. But before that it wouldn't be that romantic if both of you didn't go through fear, sadness, aggressiveness, anxiety, disappointment, disgust, anger. Once you encounter all of it maybe your good to go. But wait it is still "maybe". One thing for sure put God between in your relationship and it would be a success.

Let's go back to my questions, have you love someone? If no, why? If yes, how? Why did you not experience this? Are you afraid of love? Maybe because base on what you hear or know love is not also easy. And I know in the right time you can feel the emotions of love. To those who knew what love is, isn't it wonderful or disaster? Well all of us have a different love story right? But one thing I know about love it is not easy. We encounter a lot of things when we are in love. But at the end it doesn't matter because you are willing to sacrifice for your love.



Eight years ago, it was jenny's birthday. Her mom called her " Jen, I have a gift for you" said her mom. "Now! Thank you mom!" replied with joy. When Jenny opened her gift, she was surprised because it was a dog. It was a shih tzu. Jenny asked her mom "where did you get this?" Her mom replied "in Manila". And she asked jenny "what will be her name?" Jenny replied "It is a girl right? Her name will be " Eska" .Eska was a very cheerful dog. Her dog served as her stress reliever every time when she go home from school. Eska was chubby, she wasn't friendly to strangers.

After eight years, last October 2015. Jenny noticed that her dog has a disease. Eska suffered this disease 2 years ago. When her dog was still 6 years old. "Mom, what should we do?" Jenny told her mom, "we will bring her to the veterinarian." They brought Eska to the veterinarian for a check-up. The doctor (vet) told jenny "your dog's life is still 50/50." After hearing that jenny cried a lot knowing that her dog will have no chance. She slept late still thinking of her dogs condition. The next day at dawn, around 3 am her dog just passed away. "Jen, she is gone." Her mom told her when she wake up. She cried and cried a lot. She even wasn't able to go to school because she can't believe that her dog was already gone. She spent time alone their rooftop, remembering all the memories she had with her dog. It takes a couple of months for her to move.on she still felt the pain it left her dog will be gone but the memories they had with her will remain carved forever in her heart.

Causal Analyis

Social Media like all things has advantages & disadvantages

People nowadays are into social media even I and family. We are somehow addicted to it because we can get a lot of information from it. This could be one of the advantages of social media. But for now, lets talk about the disadvantages or the common problem of it. Cyber bullying, block mailing, poor academic performances, decreasing face to face communication, diminishing understanding and thoughtfulness, laziness and etc. These are some example of disadvantages in using social media. Maybe users really don't know what will be the effect if they don't try to budget their time using social media some people don't think twice in using their social media accounts. They should know how to limit using it, because we all know that meeting or making friends in social media is quite dangerous. But in the end, we all know how social media can take up our time because you we like keeping in touch to other. We like reading their post and what are they doing. What is viral now or anything that is trending.

So here are some solution on how you can limit your usage of social media. First, Don't make your social media as one of your priorities . Find another priority that can help you in your academics or something else that is not dangerous that you really like to do. Second find another hobby, to know that one of your favorite hobby is surfing the net. For new, spend your time to another hobby that is fun for example cooking, playing your favorite sports. Third, If your really can't go through it just try to maximize your time in using it. Think of anything that can distract you from surfing the net. If you will try to follow those steps maybe it could help you lessen your interest in using social media. So social media addiction is not good to people who don't know what are the kinds of disadvantages about it.